Blogger Clogger's Blog

Blogger Clogger's Blog
A blog for all things 'og

Thursday 19 September 2013

Blogger Clogger's Bog Log Blog


     So here we have a simple blog. Quite literally considering I chose the simple window option. Aside from bad jokes though and the foreshadowing of bog discussion, it's time to discuss the media. More specifically, it's time to discuss how the media has shaped my world view. Though admittedly, such a sentence might be meaningless without knowing who I am.
     Let's do the quick run down. While it's hard to define myself in but a few choice sentences I'll rely on my creativity and that's what this post is all about; Media, forging my creativity. While I don't want to use an Alanis Morisette song to define myself I can safely say that my creativity is among my best features. I can be sweet, funny and a prick within one conversation and I rely on a dry British humour, which sometimes borders on shock humour, to put smiles on my colleagues faces. You all likely know me as the guy that doesn't own casual clothing in class.
     Now that I'm introduced, let's get to the point. Whether it's comics, novels, video games, movies, music or television, all forms of media have added to my creative side. As a kid, provided I can remember that far back, many informed me that comics and Nintendo would rot my brain and kill my chance at marrying a rich doctor. While it's true my brain isn't tip top, I can safely say I excel on my wit, at the least. This is directly the result of years of reading great writing and having to think quickly on my feet through video games. Even the most minor of media forms, I'm looking at you Weekly World News, can give the mind a boost of spirit that will have you thinking positively everyday. Positive thinkers have the confidence to use their mind to it's fullest and they don't get bogged down with details. Speaking of which, bogs are widely considered vital ecosystems with many beautiful animals requiring your assistance. Be a friend to a bog and give a couple bucks to wetland restoration charities.
     The fantasy and sci-fi rich media of TV, movies and video games have also steered me on my path to employment. These media have shown me my calling in the out of this world field of...well...astronomy ((bah dum tish <------ Onomatopoeia.)) A sad fact is that you will rarely see anything but tragedy regarding the outer limits of our humble space marble in media forms outside the above mentioned. Especially for those of you focusing on the news which I somewhat consider its own form of media segregated from TV.
     So can media assist with your creativity? Verily my friend but can it also destroy your creativity? I'll let you be the judge of that or save it for another post. For all the bad rap though that the media gets, in whatever of its unlimited forms it may take, one could easily argue that many of our greatest achievements are, in part, achieved based on the creativity that the media can offer us. Even when the media is a couple people having a conversation it's only the medium that changes and creativity is the bedfellow of inspiration. So share your creativity and be a medium to a friend...

...Though if you see their dead Aunt, you should probably keep that to yourself.  

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